All our cross stitch patterns related to children or featuring kids or teenagers.

Madame La Fée

Petite Princesse

Translated title: "Little Princess", a...

Sales price: £15.90
Sales price without tax: £15.90

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Le Petit Chaperon Rouge

Translated title: "Little Red Riding...

Sales price: £15.90
Sales price without tax: £15.90

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Au Pays des Merveilles

Translated title: "In Wonderland", a...

Sales price: £15.90
Sales price without tax: £15.90

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Translated title: "Pinocchio", a...

Sales price: £17.50
Sales price without tax: £17.50

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Dans le Jardin

Translated title: "In the Garden", a...

Sales price: £11.90
Sales price without tax: £11.90

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C'est l'Eté

Translated title: "It's Summer Time", a...

Sales price: £11.90
Sales price without tax: £11.90

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A la mer

Translated title: "By the sea", a...

Sales price: £11.90
Sales price without tax: £11.90

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C'est la Rentrée

Translated title "Back to school", a...

Sales price: £15.90
Sales price without tax: £15.90

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