La Bande de Copine
Results 1 - 18 of 18

Pre-printed Linen and Bands

Yellow Flowers Band (linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £7.00
Sales price without tax: £7.00

Product details

Religieuses Band (white linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Reels Band (linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Pre-printed Heart (white linen)

Another way of stitching!
Band of...

Sales price: £5.00
Sales price without tax: £5.00

Product details

Pre-printed Heart (natural linen)

Another way of stitching!
Band of...

Sales price: £5.00
Sales price without tax: £5.00

Product details

Pre-printed Frame (white linen)

Another way of stitching!
Band of...

Sales price: £5.00
Sales price without tax: £5.00

Product details

Pre-printed Frame (white linen)

Another way of stitching!
Band of...

Sales price: £5.00
Sales price without tax: £5.00

Product details

Pre-printed Floral Frame (white linen)

Another way of stitching!
Band of...

Sales price: £5.00
Sales price without tax: £5.00

Product details

Pink Flowers Band (linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £7.00
Sales price without tax: £7.00

Product details

Olives Band (linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Macaroons Band (white linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Jars of jam Band (linen)

Band of 32 count off-white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Hens Band (linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Gingerbread Band (linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Easter Eggs Band (linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Chilli Band (linen)

Band of 32 count natural linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Cherries Band (linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Blue Flowers Band (linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Additional information