Thé ou Café ?
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"Tea or Coffee?" is a cross-stitch chart with instructions translated in English.
Design stitch count: 121 wide x 64 high
Design area:
- 24,2 x 12,8 cm (9½ x 5 in) on a 25 count fabric
- 22 x 11,6 cm (8¾ x 4½ in) on a 28 count fabric or on a 14 count Aida
- 20,2 x 10,7 cm (8 x 4,2 in) on a 32 count fabric
- 19,2 x 10,2 cm (7½ x 4 in) on a 16 count Aida
Special stitches: This is a cross-stitch design with some back stitches, a few straight stitches and some eyelet stitches. There are very clear drawings and instructions on the chart if you want to try your hand at the eyelet stitches. But you can also replace them by regular cross-stitches (especially if you want to stitch this pattern on Aida).
Threads and colours
This pattern shows 13 colours (DMC references on the chart).
The model on the picture has been stitched on a 32 count linen colour "white" using two strands of cotton over two threads of fabric.
Recommended Fabric: of your choice regarding the type (linen / evenweave) and the stitch count, colour "white" or "off-white", 45x30 cm (18x12 in).
This product is a cross-stitch chart + instructions translated in English.