Boutons, Rubans...
Translated Title "Buttons, Ribbons...",...
Family Witch
A design by Zaza Picque
Nana Oeuf
Translated title "Nana Egg", a design...
Le Jardin des Lanternes
Translated Title "The Lanterns'...
L'Arbre aux Oiseaux
Translated Title "The Tree with Birds",...
La Maison aux Coeurs
Translated Title "The House with...
A l'Ombre du Jasmin
Translated Title "Under the Jasmine", a...
La Maison de la Plage
Translated Title "The Beach House", a...
Atelier Aiguilles
Translated Title "Needle Workshop", a...
Louise Bobine
Translated Title "Louise Reel", a...
Lettre Rose
Translated Title "Needle Workshop", a...
Cuisine du Coeur
Translated Title "Cooking from the...
Sur le Sable
Translated Title "On the Sand", a...
Pain d'Epices Bleu
Translated title "Blue Gingerbread", a...
Bonhomme de Neige Patineur
Translated title "Skater Snowman", a...
Coeur Chamonix
"Chamonix Heart", a counted cross...
Doux et Blanc Hiver
Translated title: "Mild and White...
Bonhommes de Neige
Translated title "Snowmen", a counted...