Eté Ensoleillé
Translated title "Sunny Summer" is a...
Envie d'une Tasse de Thé?
Translated Title "Fancy a cup of tea?",...
Encore une Pirouette
Translated title: "Yet Another Twirl",...
En route pour Noël
Translated title: "On the Road to...
En Route pour Noel
"On the Road to Christmas", a counted...
En Filigrane Coeur
Translated title "Filigree Heart", a...
En Filigrane Bis
Translated title "Filigree Bis", a...
En Filigrane
Translated title "Filigree", a design...
En Catimini
Translated Title "On the Sly", a...
En attendant les Oiseaux
Translated title "Waiting for the...
Emilande 2
Emilande 2 is a cross stitch design by...
Emilande is a cross stitch design by Au...
Embroidery Scissors - Vintage look
Decorative embroidery scissors with a...
Embroidery Scissors
The classic finely wrought embroidery...
Elafonissi Variegated Thread
Hand-dyed cotton thread
Ecru (off-white) 32 count Linen
Pure Linen
Made in France
Easter Eggs Band (linen)
Band of 32 count white linen
Duo Roses et Oeillets
Translated title: "Roses and Carnations...