Dentelles et Rubans
Translated title: "Lace and Ribbons", a...
Douce Automne
Translated title "Sweet Autumn" is a...
Douceur de Nuage 32 ct Linen
Madame La Fée 32 count Linen, colour...
Douceur de Vivre
Translated Title: "Gentle Way of...
Doux Automne
Translated title "Sweet Autumn", a...
Doux et Blanc Hiver
Translated title: "Mild and White...
Doux Eté
Translated title "Sweet Summer", a...
Doux Printemps
Translated title "Sweet Spring", a...
Drôles de Gâteaux
Translated Title "Funny Cakes", a...
Du Fil et des Oiseaux
Translated title "Birds and Thread", a...
Duo Bouquets Anciens
Translated title "Bygone Bouquets Duo",...
Duo de Noël
Translated title "Christmas Duo", a...
Duo de Printemps
Translated title "Spring Duo", a design...
Duo Gourmand
Translated Title: "Gourmand Duo",a...
Duo L'Heure du Thé
Translated title: "Tea Time Duo", a...
Duo Roses et Oeillets
Translated title: "Roses and Carnations...
Easter Eggs Band (linen)
Band of 32 count white linen
Ecru (off-white) 32 count Linen
Pure Linen
Made in France