Dentelles et Rubans

Translated title: "Lace and Ribbons", a...

Sales price: £17.50
Sales price without tax: £17.50

Product details

Douce Automne

Translated title "Sweet Autumn" is a...

Sales price: £17.50
Sales price without tax: £17.50

Product details

Douceur de Nuage 32 ct Linen

Madame La Fée 32 count Linen, colour...

Sales price: £12.00
Sales price without tax: £12.00

Product details

Douceur de Vivre

Translated Title: "Gentle Way of...

Sales price: £8.00
Sales price without tax: £8.00

Product details

Doux Automne

Translated title "Sweet Autumn", a...

Sales price: £7.50
Sales price without tax: £7.50

Product details

Doux et Blanc Hiver

Translated title: "Mild and White...

Sales price: £10.00
Sales price without tax: £10.00

Product details

Doux Eté

Translated title "Sweet Summer", a...

Sales price: £7.50
Sales price without tax: £7.50

Product details

Doux Printemps

Translated title "Sweet Spring", a...

Sales price: £7.50
Sales price without tax: £7.50

Product details

Drôles de Gâteaux

Translated Title "Funny Cakes", a...

Sales price: £8.60
Sales price without tax: £8.60

Product details

Du Fil et des Oiseaux

Translated title "Birds and Thread", a...

Sales price: £8.50
Sales price without tax: £8.50

Product details

Duo Bouquets Anciens

Translated title "Bygone Bouquets Duo",...

Sales price: £8.00
Sales price without tax: £8.00

Product details

Duo de Noël

Translated title "Christmas Duo", a...

Sales price: £8.00
Sales price without tax: £8.00

Product details

Duo de Printemps

Translated title "Spring Duo", a design...

Sales price: £8.00
Sales price without tax: £8.00

Product details

Duo Gourmand

Translated Title: "Gourmand Duo",a...

Sales price: £8.00
Sales price without tax: £8.00

Product details

Duo L'Heure du Thé

Translated title: "Tea Time Duo", a...

Sales price: £8.00
Sales price without tax: £8.00

Product details

Duo Roses et Oeillets

Translated title: "Roses and Carnations...

Sales price: £8.00
Sales price without tax: £8.00

Product details

Easter Eggs Band (linen)

Band of 32 count white linen

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Ecru (off-white) 32 count Linen

Pure Linen
Made in France

Sales price: £5.50
Sales price without tax: £5.50

Product details

Additional information