L'Arbre aux Coeurs

Translated title: "The Heart Tree", a...

Sales price: £8.00
Sales price without tax: £8.00

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L'Arbre aux Oiseaux

Translated Title "The Tree with Birds",...

Sales price: £7.50
Sales price without tax: £7.50

Product details

L'Arbre Enchanté

Translated Title "Enchanted Tree", a...

Sales price: £8.60
Sales price without tax: £8.60

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l'Atelier de Zélie

Translated title: "Zelie's workshop", a...

Sales price: £8.00
Sales price without tax: £8.00

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L'Atelier du Père Noël

Translated title: "Santa's Workshop", a...

Sales price: £17.50
Sales price without tax: £17.50

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L'Automne de Mlle Fleur

Translated Title "Miss Flower's...

Sales price: £7.60
Sales price without tax: £7.60

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L'Eté de Mlle Fleur

Translated Title "Miss Flower's...

Sales price: £7.60
Sales price without tax: £7.60

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L'Eté sera chaud

"Hot Summer", a counted cross stitch...

Sales price: £7.50
Sales price without tax: £7.50

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L'Etoile de Noël

Translated Title "Christmas' Star", a...

Sales price: £11.90
Sales price without tax: £11.90

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L'Hiver de Mlle Fleur

Translated Title "Miss Flower's...

Sales price: £7.60
Sales price without tax: £7.60

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L'Instant Framboise

Translated Title "Raspberry Instant", a...

Sales price: £7.50
Sales price without tax: £7.50

Product details

L'Oiseau Farceur

Translated Title "The Facetious Bird",...

Sales price: £7.50
Sales price without tax: £7.50

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La Brodeuse et le Chat

Translated Title "the Stitcher and the...

Sales price: £8.50
Sales price without tax: £8.50

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La Famille Noël en Russie

Translated Title "Santa's Family in...

Sales price: £8.60
Sales price without tax: £8.60

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La Fée des Lilas

Translated title: "The Lilac Fairy", a...

Sales price: £7.50
Sales price without tax: £7.50

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La Fée Friandises

Translated title: "The Sweets Fairy", a...

Sales price: £7.50
Sales price without tax: £7.50

Product details

La Fête à la Citrouille

Translated title: "The Pumpkin Party",...

Sales price: £8.00
Sales price without tax: £8.00

Product details

La Lettre au Père Noël

Translated title "The Letter to Santa",...

Sales price: £13.00
Sales price without tax: £13.00

Product details

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