Travaux d'Aiguilles
Translated title "Needlework", a...
Travaux d'Aiguilles
Translated Title "Needlework", a...
Trésors de Brodeuse
Translated title: "Stitcher's...
"Tricotine", a counted cross-stitch...
NEW hand-dyed cotton thread
Tristan is a cross stitch design by Au...
Trop Chouette
Translated title "So Great", a counted...
Trop Gourmand
A counted cross stitch design by Malin...
Trop Gourmande
A counted cross stitch design by Malin...
Two-coloured Rickrack Braid
New product!
Un Air de Printemps
Translated title: "A Look of Spring", a...
Un Amour de Chat
Translated title "Such a sweet Cat", a...
Un Amour de Maisonette
Translated Title "Such a Sweet Little...
Un Ange Veille
Translated title: "Watchful Angel", a...
Un autre Noël
Translated Title "Another Christmas", a...
Un Café avec Toi
Translated Title "A Coffee with You", a...
Un Jour en Blanc
Translated title: "A Day in White", a...
Un Soir de Décembre
Translated Title "On a December...