Petit Ane
Translated title "Little Donkey", a...
Lapin de Pâques
Translated title "Easter Rabbit", a...
Nuage, Rêves Doux
Translated title "Cloud, Sweet Dreams",...
Welcome At Home
A design by Madame La Fée
Denis et Leon
Denis & Leon is a cross stitch design...
Oiseau des Neiges
"Snowbird", a counted cross stitch...
Les Deux Cerfs
Translated title "The Two Stags"...
ABC des Biches
Translated title: "Deers' Alphabet", a...
Rosée du Matin
Translated title: "Morning Dew", a...
Ours Petite Rigolote
Translated title: "Little Funny Girl",...
La Vie à la Campagne
Translated title: "Life in the...
Moutons dans la Prairie
Translated title "Sheeps in the...
Ourson dans sa Forêt
Translated title "Bear Cub in the...
Moutons de Saison - Automne Hiver
Translated title "Seasonal Sheep -...
Oeufs Frais
Translated title: "Fresh Eggs", a...
Revenons à nos Moutons
Translated title "Back to the Sheeps",...
Protège carnet de santé "Lapin"
Translated title "Rabbit Book Cover", a...
Hens Band (linen)
Band of 32 count white linen