Princesse du Gange
"Princess of Ganges" a counted...
ABC des Fleurs
Translated title "Flowers ABC" is a...
Printemps Charmant
Translated title "Charming Spring" is a...
Eté Ensoleillé
Translated title "Sunny Summer" is a...
Au Coeur du Jardin
Translated title "At the Garden's...
Joyeux Noël!
Translated title "Merry Christmas" is a...
Salon de Thé
Tea Room (French version), a design by...
Tea Room
Tea Room (English version), a design by...
Joyeux Noël à la Neige
Merry Christmas under the Snow, a...
Collection d'Ours
Teddy Bear Collection, a design by...
Pause Bonheur
Translated title "Happy Break" is a...
Coeur de Cocci
Translated Title "Ladybird's Heart", a...
Le Jeu des Coccinelles
Translated Title "Ladybirds' Game", a...
Un Amour de Maisonette
Translated Title "Such a Sweet Little...
ABC Printanier
Translated Title "Spring Alphabet", a...
Le Printemps de Mlle Fleur
Translated Title "Miss Flower's...
L'Eté de Mlle Fleur
Translated Title "Miss Flower's...
L'Automne de Mlle Fleur
Translated Title "Miss Flower's...