Little Flowers Ring Cushion
A design by Le Lin d'Isabelle
Little Frog Thread-Holder
Varnished wood
Made in France by...
Little Hearts Braid
100%cotton, 5mm high
Possible to...
Little Sheep
Hanger in painted wood from The Bee...
Little Sheep
6 polymer-clay pins...
Lola Parme
Mauve Lola is a counted cross stitch...
Louise is a cross stitch design by Au...
Louise Bobine
Translated Title "Louise Reel", a...
A counted cross stitch pattern by Au...
Love Nest - Kit
SALE! Only £16 (instead of £19,2) - A...
Coloured Chart by the designer Au Chat...
Lutin d'Automne
Translated title: "Autumn Leprechaun",...
Lutin Jongleur
Translated title: "The Little Juggler",...
Lutins de Noël
Translated Title "Christmas...
Ma Petite Confiserie
Translated Title "My Little...
Ma Petite Robe Noire
Translated title: "Mu Little Black...
Ma Tasse de thé
Translated title: "My Tea Cup", a cross...
Ma toute Petite Maison
Translated Title "My So Small House", a...