House(s) among other patterns
ABC Petite Maison
Translated title: "Little House...
La Maison aux Oiseaux
Translated Title: "The House with...
Nuit d'Hiver
Translated title: "Winter Night", a...
Jardin Turquoise et Chocolat
Translated title: "Turquoise and...
A La Belle Etoile
Translated title: "Out under the...
Les Petites Filles Modèles
Translated title: "The Perfect Little...
Les Lettres de Mon Jardin
Translated Title "The Letters of my...
Abécédaire Petite Maison
Translated title "Small House...
Bienvenue au Chalet
Translated title "Welcome to the...
Dans ma Prairie
Translated title: "In my Meadow", a...
Allée des Coeurs
Translated title: "Alley of Hearts", a...
Au pays des Tulipes
Translated title: "In the Tulips'...
ABC de l'Automne
Translated title: "ABC Autumn", a...
Sur le Sable
Translated Title "On the Sand", a...
Sampler # 1
"Sampler #1", a counted cross-stitch...